Deadheading Flowers 'n Plants

Deadheading your flowers and plants to remove withered or damaged plant materials can extend the life and beauty of your plants.

A little gardening care in this area will do wonders for the look of your garden overall.

Regular garden grooming will keep your garden area looking its best. Removing old flowers or seed pods will keep your flowers looking fresh and crisp all season long.

Clipping and cutting back dead or damaged foliage on your plants will make it easier to provide nutrients to parts that are still alive and growing.

Below is a picture of a clump of Stella de Oro Daylily in the GQnE garden. Walking by, they seemed to need a little attention ...

daylily prior to deadheading Stella de Oro Daylily - before deadheading

By removing any diseased, discolored, or damaged plant material you will help prolong the life of your plants, also. Clipping, cutting or breaking off withered or dead plant material will keep your flowers and plants looking attractive and well cared for.

daylily after deadheading Stella de Oro Daylily - after a little attention

If your time is limited and daily grooming is too often for you to attend to it, weekly gardening care should be sufficient.

Less often than once a week though may cause some of your flowers and plants to look ragged and unkempt.

Below is an illustration of a Strelitzia looking quite bedraggled with the number of dead flowers sticking out. Once those dead flowers have been removed, the appearance is of a much healthier-looking plant.

strelitzia deadheading Strelitzia before - and after grooming

To make it a quick 'n easy gardening task, simply make grooming a part of your regular visits to your gardening areas.

As you walk around your garden, leisurely notice and groom some of your flowers and plants, little by little, every day.

If you do this regularly, you'll be enjoying the beauty of your flowers and plants around you and your home all season long.

Related Information:

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