Groundcover ~ Violas and Sedum

Two groundcover plants that can provide interest and color in your garden areas are violas and low-growing sedum.

Although not as tough as the later blooming sedum, violas are available in a beautiful variety of colors.

The low-growing sedum is a tough little plant that can provide interest in your garden.

Using these plants to cover bare ground in your gardening areas will help to keep weeds at a minimum.

Viola Plant Highlights

groundcover viola Viola 'Mount Helen'

  • Colors: yellow, red, pink, purple, blue, white

  • Height: 6 - 10 in; Width: various mounding or trailing

  • Bloom Period: spring/summer

  • Exposure: full/partial sun

  • Pests: few disease or insect problems

  • Soil: best in rich, moist, well-drained soil

  • Comments: very easy to grow; self-propagate/multiply

Most of these flowers are grown in gardens as annuals or short-lived perennials (plants that regrow on their own every year.) However, many will self-seed and give your garden years of delight.

The flowers like full sun, but not the heat it brings. Be sure they are getting some shade during the hottest part of the afternoon.

Tuck these plants between spring flowering bulbs such as tulips and iris. This will provide color and fill the space as the bulbs fade.

These little beauties are as at home in your garden bed as they are filling crevices in rock walls also.

Sedum Plant Highlights

groundcover sedum Sedum (spring) 'Kamtschaticum' sedum plant Sedum (summer) 'Kamtschaticum'

  • Colors: green, gray-green, yellow, pink, maroon

  • Height: 2-3 in - 2 ft; Width: 1 - 2 ft

  • Bloom Period: summer to fall

  • Exposure: full sun / partial shade

  • Pests: virtually pest resistant

  • Soil: well-drained soil

  • Comments: extremely easy to care for; very low maintenance

A tough plant that can tolerate a wide range of conditions from partial shade to full sun.

You'll notice these plant's peak performance in the fall. After the flowers fade, the foliage will remain attractive and colorful all season.

Good groundcover plant for crevice areas also.

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